Egyptian Loofah

Go Back To Nature

Egypt has always been known by its great history that started with the Pharaohs in old times to date. and that splendor shows how Egypt with such remarkable land, weather and plants.

luffas are the dried, fibrous skeleton of the fruit of a plant Luffa-aegyptiaca in the cucumber family.The fiber is xylem. It has semi-coarse texture and good durability.

The 100% Natural unbleached luffas with different sizes are grown in Egypt where they get enough sun to grow to mammoth size. They provide a gentle scrub to exfoliate dead skin.

Egyptian Loofah offer a genuine bargain through a combination of delicate and exfoliating properties, with the capacity to absorb fair sufficient water and cleanser to induce a great foam going!

Egyptian Loofah VS Asian Loofah

Asian Loofah

    – Hard and abrasive, more suitable to use on wood or metals.

    – Hard ridges resulting in edges that are scratchy and abrasive on skin.

    – Requires bleaching. Bleaching is done using Chlorine or Caustic Soda solutions, which erodes the fibers, and an end product that cannot be labeled as natural and chemical free.

Egyptian Loofah

An Egyptian loofah (luffa) massage sponge will break in or soften up much faster than a Chinese loofah massage sponge. The all natural fibers are quite loosely woven with lots of small air holes. An Egyptian loofah (luffa) massage sponge is already softer to use from day one

Production Stages

1st Stage : Preparing

Giving Loofah plants a place to hang will help them keep the fruits from spoiling closer to ground. Because Loofah plants love to grow upward and wrap around anything near them. So, farmers make ceiling of wood sticks to help them to climb up easily.

2nd Stage : Sowing

This stage begins in late spring every year. As, Loofah is a climbing plant, Farmers make several hills, about a foot apart, along a fence or other climbing surface.

3rd : Collecting & Drenching

Farmers start to crop loofah plants at the beginning of September till the end of January. Then, putting them in big water tubs, and that lasts for few in summer and for a week in autumn, as water helps Loofah fabric to be fully developed.

4th Stage : Drying

Farmers slamming Loofah on hard surface like water during taking them out of water, to help getting rid of the peel and seeds. Then, washing and squeezing them to remove excess water. After that, loofahs should be left in the sun to thoroughly dry.

Our Brand DoLuffa

Frequently Asked Questions

is loofah natural?

Natural Loofah or Luffa (botanically Luffa aegyptiaca) are actually made from a gourd in the cucumber family. Usually refers to the fruits of the species Luffa aegyptiaca. When the fruit is fully ripened, it is very fibrous.

The fully developed fruit is the source of the loofah scrubbing sponge which is used in bathrooms and kitchens.

how to use a natural loofah?

Loofah texture is perfect for exfoliating skin to keep it smooth and sleek. To properly use a loofah, you’ll need to get one, put soap and water on it, and scrub your body. Make sure to also rinse, dry, and sanitize your loofah in order to keep it clean.

Using loofah every day?

Because of the nature properties of loofah texture, it could give you a delicate clean touch to your body & face, according to the type of loofah and hand pressure. And if you need slightly tough exfoliation, It effectively removes stubborn dirt and impurities from your body. You can also use loofah to exfoliate some hard skin areas like elbows and knees.

does loofah remove dead skin?

People love loofahs because they exfoliate your skin. Dead skin cells sometimes clump around the top layer of your skin, making for a duller and less youthful appearance. Loofahs scrub this layer off gently and without disrupting the young and healthy skin cells underneath.

how long does a natural loofah last?

For healthy life, natural loofah should be replaced every 6-8 weeks, to gurantee keeping its fibrous texture in good shape & to prevent it from getting bacteria due to lack of regular cleaning of it.

how do you sanitize a loofah?

Rinse loofah after each use & put it in a place with good circulation so it can dry completely. Drying it out will prevent bacteria from forming inside the loofah.

natural sponges should be soaked on a mix of warm water and baking soda at least once every three weeks. The amount of soda you’ll use depends entirely on the size of your sponge: the larger the sponge, the more baking soda you need to apply. Then, Let it dry thoroughly.

what are benefits of loofah?

Loofahs obtained naturally from the garden can be of many sizes and shapes, and are great for several household uses beyond washing up in the tub.

Generally, it helps with

  • using with soap to lather up and cleanse your skin
  • exfoliating the skin on your body and face
  • stimulating blood circulation while you shower or bathe
Cleaning Tips For Natural Loofah
  • Dry it completely after each use
  • Be sure to properly rinse it
  • Soak the sponge in baking soda
  • After cleaning and rinse it, don’t leave it out in the open



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720 Merag Maadi, Cairo, Egypt 11742