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Check our 100% natural Loofah types

Loofah Plant Origin

Loofah Plant Origin

Loofah, (genus Luffa), also spelled luffa, also called vegetable sponge, sponge gourd, or rag gourd, genus of seven species...

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Loofah Plant Cultivation

Loofah Plant Cultivation

  You have likely had or utilized a loofah wipe in your life, whether within the shower or for cleaning around the house. But did you know it...

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Loofah Benefits

Loofah Benefits

 Dry / Wet Skin Brushing Benefits:  Stimulates your lymphatic system, responsible for eliminating cellular waste products. Hundreds of miles of...

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Keep Loofah Healthy

Keep Loofah Healthy

 Loofahs offer assistance keep your skin in great shape, but they can too harbor destructive bacteria in their numerous minor gaps. Matter based...

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